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Street Art Norway Vol. II presents the development of street art in Norway, from the very beginning in the 1990s until the leading artists of today. This is an art form developed in the public space, legally or illegally, and it casts a critical eye on established society. It mocks advertisements, and the artists are often socially engaged individuals. These urban artistic expressions have received a lot of attention in recent years, and Norwegian street art has gained much recognition, both nationally and internationally., With artists like Dolk, Pobel, DotDotDot and Martin Whatson receiving much international attention in recent years, the Norwegian Street Art scene has gone from an anonymous existence to gaining international recognition. With the release of Street Art Norway vol. II we want to communicate this development to a wider audience. Urban Street Art is an art form that reflects society at the time the art work was created. It can be a comment on something in the media, current events, or it can be the artist s own personal statement. In Street Art the motive is important, but also the message often a reaction or a counter-reaction to current affairs, that the artist wants to communicate to the public. And Street Art is easily understood because of its simple visualization. In the aftermath of July 22nd 2011, Street Art artists reacted in their own way to the horrendous acts carried out that day. In Oslo there were many different Oslo paintings and messages of support, and all around Norway artists put up stencils in memory of those who were taken away. It was also a way for the artists themselves to mourn.", With artists like Dolk, Pøbel, DotDotDot and Martin Whatson receiving much international attention in recent years, the Norwegian Street Art scene has gone from an anonymous existence to gaining international recognition. With the release of Street Art Norway vol. II we want to communicate this development to a wider audience. Urban Street Art is an art form that reflects society at the time the art work was created. It can be a comment on something in the media, current events, or it can be the artist's own personal statement. In Street Art the motive is important, but also the message - often a reaction or a counter-reaction to current affairs, that the artist wants to communicate to the public. And Street Art is easily understood because of its simple visualization. In the aftermath of July 22nd 2011, Street Art artists reacted in their own way to the horrendous acts carried out that day. In Oslo there were many different "Oslo paintings" and messages of support, and all around Norway artists put up stencils in memory of those who were taken away. It was also a way for the artists themselves to mourn.

Street Art Norway Vol. II - PocketArt in MOBI, EPUB

Her older daughter grew up to disdain fashionable society.J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck.The Vance family story begins hopefully in postwar America.This coffee-table book features many of the most historically significant uniforms, jackets, hats, as well as other treasured baseball collectibles that tell us as much about the history and soul of America as they do about the game and the players.The historic links between the surviving building stock and the hatting industry are assessed and the book highlights the significance of the surviving fabric and the potential of the historic environment within future conservation and regeneration plans.A different kind of history, Stalin's School brings a unique human dimension to the Soviet Union of the 1930s and a new understanding of Stalinism as a cultural and psychological phenomenon.Humour, anger, nostalgia, triumph and tragedy.Featured Veltkamp-designed objects include planters, pillows, fountains, lighting fixtures, seating, canopies, showers and chaises longues.School No. 25 molded these elements into an organic whole.While mandalas are based on simple circular shapes, they can also be quite complex.